Calling an Actuate web service
When accessing Actuate’s web services, you create a library of proxy objects for the client application. In Java, a proxy object is a class implementation in a JAR file. In C#, a proxy is a CS file.
Use a proxy object directly. Actuate does not support subclassing an Actuate Information Delivery API class generated from an Actuate WSDL document.
Access proxy objects using a request and response pattern. As Figure 19‑1 shows, the client uses a proxy object to send a SOAP request to BIRT iHub and receives a response in the client’s native language.
Figure 19‑1 Calling an Actuate web service
In the sequence shown in Figure 19‑1:
1 BIRT iHub sends the Information Delivery API schema over the web in response to a client query.
2 The client generates a proxy object that corresponds to a service or an operation in Actuate’s schema.
At this point, you build or modify a client application.
3 The deployed client application calls a proxy object.
4 Using the proxy, the client generates a SOAP request, adds an HTTP header, and sends this serialized XML package to BIRT iHub over the web.
5 BIRT iHub processes the SOAP message header, deserializes the SOAP envelope, and invokes the appropriate service. In the preceding diagram, the Factory service processes the request.
6 The service serializes the result, creates the response XML, places the encoded result into a SOAP response, and returns the package to the client application. The application then extracts and decodes the result.