GraphicsUtil class
The GraphicsUtil class creates the image containing the specified text and rotates the text image to the specified angle, using the following methods:

createRotatedText( )
This method performs the following operations:

Gets the display text and rotation angle properties

Sets the display text font and determines the font metrics

Creates an image the same size as the display text String

Draws the display text as an image

Calls the rotateImage( ) method to rotate the image at the specified angle

Disposes of the operating system resources used to render the image

Returns the image object
Listing 23‑4 shows the code for createRotatedText( ) method.
Listing 23‑4 The createRotatedText( ) method
public Image createRotatedText( ExtendedItemHandle
modelHandle )
Image stringImage;
Image image;
GC gc;
String text = "";
if ( modelHandle.getProperty( "displayText" ) != null ) {
text = ( String ) modelHandle.getProperty
( "displayText" );
Integer angle = -45;
if ( modelHandle.getProperty( "rotationAngle" ) != null ) {
try {
angle = Integer.parseInt( (String)
modelHandle.getProperty( "rotationAngle" ));
catch( NumberFormatException e ) {
angle = -45;
String fontFamily = "Arial";
if ( modelHandle.getProperty(Style.FONT_FAMILY_PROP ) !=
null ) {
fontFamily = ( String ) modelHandle.getProperty
StyleHandle labelStyle = modelHandle.getPrivateStyle();
DimensionHandle fontSize =
(DimensionHandle) labelStyle.getFontSize();
int height = 12;
String units = fontSize.getUnits( );
if ( units.compareToIgnoreCase("pt") == 0 )
height = (int) fontSize.getMeasure();
if ( display == null ) SWT.error( SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS );
FontData fontData = new FontData( fontFamily, height, 0 );
Font font = new Font( display, fontData );
try {
gc = new GC( display );
gc.setFont( font );
gc.getFontMetrics( );
Point pt = gc.textExtent( text );
gc.dispose( );
stringImage = new Image( display, pt.x, pt.y );
gc = new GC( stringImage );
gc.setFont( font );
gc.drawText( text, 0, 0 );
image = rotateImage( stringImage, angle.doubleValue( ) );
gc.dispose( );
stringImage.dispose( );
return image;
catch( Exception e ) {
e.printStackTrace( );
return null;

rotateImage( )
This method rotates the image and determines the height, width, and point of origin for the image, as shown in
Listing 23‑5.
Listing 23‑5 The rotateImage( ) method
private Image rotateImage ( Image img, double degrees )
double positiveDegrees = ( degrees % 360 ) +
( ( degrees < 0 ) ? 360 : 0 );
double degreesMod90 = positiveDegrees % 90;
double radians = Math.toRadians( positiveDegrees );
double radiansMod90 = Math.toRadians( degreesMod90 );
if ( positiveDegrees == 0 ) {
return img;
int quadrant = 0;
if ( positiveDegrees < 90 ) {
quadrant = 1;
else if ( ( positiveDegrees >= 90 ) &&
( positiveDegrees < 180 ) ) {
quadrant = 2;
else if ( ( positiveDegrees >= 180 ) &&
( positiveDegrees < 270 ) ) {
quadrant = 3;
else if ( positiveDegrees >= 270 ) {
quadrant = 4;
int height = img.getBounds( ).height;
int width = img.getBounds( ).width;
double side1 = ( Math.sin( radiansMod90 ) * height ) +
( Math.cos( radiansMod90 ) * width );
double side2 = ( Math.cos( radiansMod90 ) * height ) +
( Math.sin( radiansMod90 ) * width );
double h = 0;
int newWidth = 0, newHeight = 0;
if ( ( quadrant == 1 ) || ( quadrant == 3) ) {
h = ( Math.sin( radiansMod90) * height );
newWidth = ( int )side1;
newHeight = ( int )side2;
} else {
h = ( Math.sin( radiansMod90 ) * width );
newWidth = ( int )side2;
newHeight = ( int )side1;
int shiftX = ( int )( Math.cos( radians ) * h ) -
( ( quadrant == 3 ) || ( quadrant == 4 ) ? width : 0 );
int shiftY = ( int )( Math.sin( radians ) * h ) +
( ( quadrant == 2) || ( quadrant == 3 ) ? height : 0 );
Image newImg = new Image( display, newWidth, newHeight );
GC newGC = new GC( newImg );
Transform tr = new Transform( display );
tr.rotate( ( float )positiveDegrees );
newGC.setTransform( tr );
newGC.setBackground( display.getSystemColor
newGC.drawImage( img, shiftX, -shiftY );
newGC.dispose( );
return newImg;