Topic | Information Console action or file | | | | |
DashboardServlet | |
iportal\activePortal\private\filesfolders\deletefilestatus.jsp | | | | | |
errors\error.jsp iportal\activePortal\private\common\errors\error.jsp | | | | iportal\activePortal\private\filesfolders\filefolderlist.jsp | | iportal\activePortal\private\login.jsp | | | |
dashboard\jsp\myfiles.jsp | |
iportal\activePortal\private\newrequest\output.jsp | |
iportal\activePortal\private\newrequest\parameters.jsp | |
iportal\activePortal\private\jobs\pendingjob.jsp | | iportal\activePortal\private\diagnosis\pingresponse.jsp | |
iportal\activePortal\viewer\print.jsp | |
iportal\activePortal\private\jobs\runningjob.jsp | |
iportal\activePortal\private\jobs\scheduledjob.jsp | | iportal\activePortal\private\filesfolders\search \filefolderlist.jsp | | iportal\activePortal\private\newrequest \submitjobstatus.jsp | |
viewer page for BIRT reports | IVServlet |
Topic | Information Console file |
iportal\activePortal\errors\detail.jsp | |
iportal\activePortal\private\filesfolders\filedetail.jsp | |
iportal\activePortal\private\jobs\getjobdetails.jsp |
Topic | Information Console file | | | |
Topic | Information Console file | iportal\activePortal\private\filesfolders\filefolderlist.jsp | | | | iportal\activePortal\private\jobs\selectjobs.jsp |
URI parameter | Description |
workingFolderID | The ID of the folder to contain the new folder. Specify either workingFolderID or workingFolderName. |
workingFolderName | The name of the folder to contain the new folder. Specify either workingFolderID or workingFolderName. |
URI parameter | Description |
conf | The path on the volume to the dashboard. |
filetype | The type of file, having a value of DASHBOARD. |
locale | The locale for the user interface, such as U.S. English (en_US) or French (fr_FR) |
volume | The volume to which the user connects. This parameter overrides the volume from the __vp parameter if they are used together. |
__launchDesigner | If True, the dashboard opens for editing with the editing tools. If False, the dashboard opens as read only. |
__vp | The name of a server configured in VolumeProfile.xml. Information Console uses the volume information in a VolumeProfile entry except when a volume parameter specifies a different one. |
URI parameter | Description |
jobID | Unique request identifier. |
jobName | The name of the job to delete. This parameter is ignored if jobID is also specified. |
jobState | The state of the job to delete. |
redirect | URI to which to redirect the job deletion page. |
URI parameter | Description |
jobID | Unique request identifier. |
jobName | The name of the job notice to delete. This parameter is ignored if jobID is also specified. |
jobState | The state of the job to delete. |
redirect | URL to which to redirect the delete status page. |
userName | The name of the user to notify about the deleted job. |
URI parameter | Description |
name | The full path name of the object for which to show details, if objectID is not specified. |
objectID | The object’s unique identifier. |
version | The object’s version number. The default is the latest version. |
URI parameter | Description |
jobID | The job’s unique identifier |
userName | The user that submitted the job |
URI parameter | Description |
ID | The unique identifier of the object to delete. |
name | The full path name of the object to delete. Multiple name parameters, to delete more than one file or folder at a time, are allowed. This parameter is ignored if ID is also specified. |
redirect | URI to navigate to upon completion. The default redirect page is processedaction_status. |
URI parameter | Description |
jobID | The unique identifier of the object to delete. |
jobName | The full path name of the object to delete. This parameter is ignored if jobID is also specified. |
jobState | The state of the job to delete. processedaction_status uses jobState to build a link to pass to the list of scheduled and completed jobs. |
redirect | URI to navigate to upon completion. The default redirect page is processedaction_status. |
URI parameter | Description |
_ _ageDays | Use with _ _ageHours to determine how long output objects exist before they are automatically deleted. Use only if _ _archivePolicy is set to Age. _ _ageDays can be any positive number. |
_ _ageHours | Use with _ _ageDays to determine how long output objects exist before they are automatically deleted. Use only if _ _archivePolicy is set to Age. _ _ageHours can be any positive number. |
_ _archiveBeforeDelete | Indicate whether to archive the output objects of the current request before deleting them, according to _ _archivePolicy’s setting. Set this parameter to True to archive objects before deleting them. The default value is False. This parameter has no effect if _ _archivePolicy is set to Folder. |
_ _archivePolicy | The archive policy to implement for the objects created as output for the current request. Values are folder, age, and date. Set to folder to use the archive policy that is already set for the folders to which the output is distributed. Set to age to delete objects older than a specific time period. Set to date to delete objects on a specific date. |
_ _dateToDelete | The date on which to delete the output objects of the current request. Use only if _ _archivePolicy is set to Date. Set _ _dateToDelete to a date in a locale-specific format. The default format is mm/dd/yyyy. |
_ _executableName | The name of the executable file for this request. |
__format | Optional parameter that specifies the output format of the report. Information Console appends a matching file extension to the outputName. Do not use a period in the value of this parameter. A period is inserted automatically before the file extension. |
_ _headline | A descriptive tag line for a report document. Use the character string %20 to represent a space in the headline string. |
invokeSubmit | Controls whether the browser is redirected to the parameter screen or whether the report job is run immediately. If True, the report job is executed without displaying the parameters. If False, the parameters are displayed. False is the default. |
_ _isnull | Sets the value of the named parameter to null. Use a parameter name as input. |
_ _jobName | The name of the job to execute. |
_ _limit | Indicate whether to limit the number of versions of the output files for the current request. Set _ _limit to Limit to limit the number of versions. Any other value means that the number of versions is unlimited. |
_ _limitNumber | The number of versions to which to limit the output files for the current request. Use only if _ _limit is set to Limit. _ _limitNumber can be any positive number. |
_ _outputFolderType | Specifies the root of the output file name. Set to Absolute to use the full _ _outputName value starting from the volume’s root. Set to Personal to use the _ _outputName value relative to the user’s home folder. |
_ _outputDocName | Specifies a name for the output file. |
_ _overwrite | New to create a new version of this report document, or Old to overwrite an existing report document. New is the default. |
_ _priority | Specifies the job submission priority. Values are High, Medium, and Low. |
_ _priorityValue | Specifies a number ranging from 1 to 1000 and corresponding to the job submission priority. Only specify values allowed by your functionality level. |
_ _progressive | Indicates whether to display the report document after it generates. If False, the report document displays after it generates. If True, the report document displays progressively, as it generates. |
_ _recurringDay | Specifies the scheduled recurring day on which to run the report job. Applies only to scheduled report jobs. |
_ _saveOutput | Indicates whether to write the output document to the volume. True saves the output in the volume, applying the document archiving and file creation parameters. False does not save the output. |
_ _serverURL | Contains the URI that accesses the JSP engine, such as http://<iHub machine name>:8700. |
_ _timeToDelete | Specifies a time at which to delete an archived report document. Applies only scheduled report jobs. |
_ _users | Contains the name of the user to notify of this scheduled request. You can notify more than one user. This parameter is valid only for scheduled jobs. |
_ _versionName | Contains a string value for the new version name of this report document. The value can include a date/time expression enclosed in braces, { }, to ensure a unique version name. |
_ _volume | Contains a string value specifying the volume for this report. |
_ _wait | If "wait", Information Console waits for the report generation to be completed before displaying it. If "nowait", Information Console displays the first page right away even if the report job is not completed. |
Operator | Description | Example |
BETWEEN | Between an inclusive range | BETWEEN([COUNTRY],"AAA","BBB") |
= | Equal to | ([COUNTRY] = "AAA") |
> | Greater than | ([COUNTRY] > "AAA") |
>= | Greater than or equal to | ([COUNTRY] >= "AAA") |
IN | Matches any value in a set of values | IN([COUNTRY],"China","USA") |
< | Less than | ([COUNTRY] < "AAA") |
<= | Less than or equal | ([COUNTRY] <= "AAA") |
LIKE | Search for a pattern | LIKE([COUNTRY],"AAA") |
MATCH | Matches a pattern | MATCH([COUNTRY],"A") |
NOT(BETWEEN) | Not between an inclusive range | NOT(BETWEEN([COUNTRY],"AAA", "BBB")) |
<> | Not equal | ([COUNTRY] <> "China") |
NOT(IN) | Does not match any value in a set of values | NOT(IN([COUNTRY],"China","USA")) |
NOT(LIKE) | Search for values that do not match a pattern | NOT(LIKE([COUNTRY]),"AAA")) |
NOT(MATCH) | Does not match a pattern | NOT(MATCH([COUNTRY],"A")) |
NOT(ISNULL) | Is not null | NOT(ISNULL([COUNTRY])) |
URI parameter | Description |
startUpMessage | Specifies a message to appear when Information Console calls this page. |
subpage | Specifies the content of the page. Possible values are: ![]() ![]() Specifying any other value for subpage invokes the page not found page. |
URI parameter | Description |
homeFolder | The location of the My Documents folder |
URI parameter | Description |
applyFilter | Specifies whether to apply cbFail, cbSuccess, and filter to the current user session. applyFilter applies only to list pages, such as the completed jobs page. |
cbFail | Specifies whether to list the failed jobs in the completed jobs page. |
cbSuccess | Specifies whether to list the successful jobs in the completed jobs page. |
clearFilter | Clears the job name filter. clearFilter causes Information Console to retrieve job names from session cookies and to ignore cbFail and cbSuccess. clearFilter applies only to list pages, such as the completed jobs page. |
filter | Specifies the job name filter. filter applies only to list pages, such as the completed jobs page. |
jobID | Specifies the unique job identifier. jobID applies only to the details page. |
resetFilter | Resets all filters to their default values. The default filter values are no filtering for job name, and listing all completed jobs, whether failed or successful. resetFilter applies only to list pages, such as the completed jobs page. |
subpage | Determines the content page. Possible values for subpage are: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() _completed is the default content page. |
userName | Specifies the name of the user who received the completed job notice. userName applies only to the detail page. |
Session attribute | Description |
AcFilesFoldersFilter | Contains the string specifying the files and folders viewing filter |
AcFilesFoldersTypeFilter | Contains True if the user specified a filter, False otherwise |
URI parameter | Description |
applyFilter | If True, apply filter. If False, filter not applied. |
filter | The filter specifying the file and folder names to list. Filter is a string. The default is "". |
folder | The folder for which to list the contents. Folder name is a string. If no folder is specified, List uses the last working folder known for the session if cookies are enabled. If cookies are not enabled, List uses the user’s home folder as specified in the user settings. |
onlyLatest | If True, show only the latest version of a file if multiple versions exist. If False, show all versions of a file if multiple versions exist. The default is False. |
resetFilter | Any non-null value for resetFilter causes the filter to return to its original state. Users can reset the filter by choosing the Default button on the listing page. |
showDocument | If True, show all viewable documents. If False, do not show viewable documents. The default is True. |
showExecutables | If True, show all report executables. If False, do not show report executables. The default is True. |
showFolders | If True, show all folders. If False, do not show folders. The default is True. |
URI parameter | Description |
loginPostback | False to display the login page and True to display the destination page instead of the login page if the login is successful. |
targetPage | Specify a relative URI to which login redirects the user on successful login. The default is the file and folder list page. |
URI parameter | Description |
daemonURL | Contains the URI that accesses the Process Management Daemon, such as http://Server:8100. |
user | The name of the user to log out. Either user or the common URI parameter authID must be specified. If authID is specified, user is ignored. |
URI parameter | Description |
headline | Specifies the headline for the report. |
ifExists | Specifies the file replacement policy. Values are Create and Replace. If ifExists is Create, Information Console creates a new version. If ifExists is Replace, Information Console replaces the existing version. |
outputFolderType | Specifies the report output’s folder type. Values are personal or absolute. If outputFolderType is personal, the output is placed in the user’s personal folder. If outputFolderType is absolute, the user specifies the full path name by either typing the path or using the Browse button. |
outputName | Specifies the name of the output file. |
versionName | Specifies the version name. |
URI parameter | Description |
action | Specifies the action to take at the destination. Valid values are: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
destination | The reporting environment component to test. Valid values are: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() AIS only supports the Echo action. Except when AP is specified as destination, Information Console sends a ping request to the iHub and passes on the destination as the ping request’s destination parameter. The default value is AP. |
filename | When action=ReadFile, this parameter is required to indicate the volume file to read. If you ping an open server driver, filename specifies the executable file to prepare for execution. |
mode | Specifies the level of detail in the ping response. Valid values are: ![]() ![]() ![]() A ping request at the trace level also can return diagnostic information other than timing. For example, a request to test writing a temporary file to a storage location can return the amount of free disk space in the storage location. |
partitionName | Specifies the name of the storage location at which to create the temporary file. Used only if the value of action is WriteFile. |
payloadSize | Length of payload string in number of characters that Information Console should generate. Used only if the value of action is Echo. |
processID | Specifies the process ID of the Factory or View service to test. Used with the server parameter. |
server | Specifies which instance of a Factory service or View service to test. Works with the processID parameter. To test all available instance of the Factory or View service, use an asterisk (*). If you do not specify server, the iHub load balancing mechanism allocates an available instance of the requested service to respond to the ping request. |
URI parameter | Description |
name | File or folder name to set privileges for |
URI parameter | Description |
folder | Folder name to start the search from. The default is the current location, as shown in the breadcrumb. |
searchFilter | The name to search for. Expressions and wildcards are allowed. For more information about search expressions, see Using Report Studio. |
URI parameter | Description |
_ _accessToGrant | Grants read or secure read privileges to those roles that have permission to view the report document. For users to view only the parts of the document matching an access control list (ACL), grant Secure Read access. Otherwise, grant Read access to enable users to view the whole document. This parameter requires the _ _exclude and invokeSubmit=true parameters, even if you use no value for them. Use the _ _exclude parameter with this parameter to exclude specific users from getting the privilege. |
_ _ageDays | Used with _ _ageHours to determine how long output objects exist before they are deleted. Use only if _ _archivePolicy is set to age. _ _ageDays can be any positive number. |
_ _ageHours | Use with _ _ageDays to determine how long output objects exist before they are deleted. Use only if _ _archivePolicy is set to age. _ _ageHours can be any positive number. |
_ _archiveBeforeDelete | Indicates whether to archive the output objects of the request before deleting them, according to _ _archivePolicy’s setting. Set this parameter to True to archive objects before deleting them. The default value is False. This parameter has no effect if _ _archivePolicy is set to folder. |
_ _archivePolicy | The archive policy to implement for the objects created as output for the request. Values are folder, age, and date. Set this parameter to folder to use the archive policy already set for the folders to which the output is distributed, to age to delete objects older than a specific time period, or to date to delete objects on a specific date. |
_ _dateToDelete | The date on which to delete the output objects of the current request. Use only if _ _archivePolicy is set to date. _ _dateToDelete must be a date in a locale-specific format. The default format is mm/dd/yyyy. |
_ _executableName | The name of the executable file for this request. |
folderType | Specifies the destination folder type for the report. Absolute indicates the repository root folder, /. Personal indicates the current user’s home folder. Default is Personal. |
_ _headline | A descriptive tag line for a report document. Use the character string %20 to represent spaces in the headline string. |
_ _ifExists | Indicates whether to overwrite an existing or create a new file, up to an optional limit. Values are: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
invokeSubmit | Controls whether the browser is redirected to the parameter screen or whether the report job is scheduled immediately. If True, the report job is scheduled without displaying the parameters. If False, the parameters are displayed. False is the default. |
_ _jobName | The name for the job to submit. |
notificationSupported | Specifies whether to notify users who have notification disabled. True sends notification and disregards user preferences. Default value is False. |
notify | Activates e-mail notification for the job. |
_ _onceDate | Required for once schedules. Specify the date on which to run the report job, for report jobs with _ _scheduleType of once. Must be in the appropriate format for your locale, such as mm/dd/yyyy for the U.S. locale. The current date is the default. |
_ _onceTime | Required for once schedules. Specify the time at which to run the report job, for report jobs with _ _scheduleType of once. Must be in the appropriate format for your locale, such as "hh:mm a" for the U.S. locale. The current time is the default. |
_ _outputName | Specifies a name for the report output document. |
outputName | Specifies a name for the report output document for the e-mail notification. |
outputFormat | Optional parameter that appends a file extension to the outputName. Do not use a period in the value of this parameter, a period is inserted automatically before the file extension. |
postback | Forces the browser not to display parameters. Set to False to display parameters. Do not set postback to True with invokeSubmit also set to True. |
_ _priority | Specifies the job submission priority. Values are a number from 1 to 1000, High (800), Medium (500), and Low (200). Do not use with _ _priorityValue. |
_ _priorityValue | Specifies a number corresponding to the job submission priority. Do not use with _ _priority. |
_ _progressive | Indicate whether to display the report document after it generates. If False, the report document displays after it generates. If True, the report document displays progressively, as it generates. Applies only to run report jobs. |
_ _recurringDay | Specifies the scheduled recurring day on which to run the report job. Applies only to scheduled report jobs. |
_ _recurringTime | Required for recurring schedules. Specify the time at which to run the report job. Set only if _ _scheduleType is recurring. Must be in the appropriate format for your locale, such as hh:mm:ss for the U.S. (enu) locale. |
_ _redirect | Specifies a relative or absolute URI to go to after do_executereport submits the report job. The default is Submittedjob_Status. |
_ _schedulePeriod | Required for recurring schedules. Specify how often to run the report job, and on which days. Choose a day of the week. _ _schedulePeriod values are Every Day, Weekdays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, First Day of the Month, Last Day of the Month. All values are case‑sensitive. Every Day or Weekdays. Set only if _ _scheduleType is recurring. |
_ _scheduleType | Specify the type of schedule: immediate, once, or recurring. Immediate is the default. |
_ _serverURL | Contains the URI that accesses the JSP engine, such as http://Services:8700. |
_ _timeToDelete | Specifies a time at which to delete an archived report document. Applies only to scheduled report jobs. |
_ _versionName | Contains a string value for the new version name of the job’s report document output. The value can include a date/time expression enclosed in braces, { }, to ensure a unique version name. |
_ _volume | Contains a string value specifying the volume for the job’s report document output. |