General questions
What is iHub, Trial Edition?
iHub, Trial Edition™ is a free fully functional 45-day trial version that can be downloaded from this location. After 45 days you can request a onetime extension (see Your options at the end of the trial period: extend or upgrade).
For more information read the iHub product overview.
Does it include a design tool?
No. To create the most amazing, visually engaging customer-facing applications, mashups, and dashboards imaginable, please download the free companion IDE, Analytics Designer, also known as BIRT Designer Professional, from this location.
I am new to iHub; can I still use iHub, Trial Edition?
Yes. You'll need to download the free IDE, Analytics Designer, also known as BIRT Designer Professional, to get started. For help using Analytics Designer, see the Design Guide. Once you’ve completed a design or two, you'll be ready. For more information about the samples applications, reports and dashboards and how to work with them check out our blog.
How do I get formal training?