Formatting a cross tab
To view available formatting options, right‑click a cross tab element. Choose Format to view the formatting options available for the selected element.
To format the values in a multilevel dimension group, select a cell in the grouped column, then from the context menu, select a formatting option. When you select a column to modify, the changes you specify are applied to the data values in each data group. If you choose the group at the highest level, the data values in this group are formatted based on the options you select. You must choose each group to specify formatting options for that group level. You can also specify formatting properties for the group label for each group.
Changing the width of a column or height of a row
Using Interactive Viewer and Interactive Crosstabs, you can optimize the layout of a cross tab by changing the width of cross tab columns and the height of rows. Using this option enables you to eliminate the extra space when you print or export the cross tab to other formats, and also creates additional space to avoid truncated column entries in the cross tab.
How to change column width
Select any cell in the cross tab. Hover the mouse pointer on the right or left border of the highlighted cell, as shown in Figure 10‑35. Using the mouse pointer, drag the border outward or inward to increase or decrease the width of the selected cell. The modified width applies to all rows in the column.
Figure 10‑35 Modifying column width in a cross tab
You can change the column width for every column by choosing the following options:
*Right-click a cross tab element and in Width choose Reset Cell Width. This removes a cross tab’s width value and sets each column to the current default cell width. Default cell width is set in the cross tab options.
*Right-click a cross tab element and in Width choose Clean Cell Width. This sets the cross tab’s width to 100% of available space and removes any column width values. Each column receives the same width to fit in the cross tab.
How to change row height
Select any cell in the cross tab. Hover the mouse pointer on the top or bottom border of the highlighted element, as shown in Figure 10‑36.
Figure 10‑36 Modifying row height in a cross tab
Using the mouse pointer, drag the border up or down to increase or decrease the height of the selected element. The modified height applies to the entire row.
Using themes
You can modify themes in a cross tab using Interactive Crosstabs. Themes are optional. Interactive Crosstabs provides a set of predefined themes, but you can also use custom themes, if they exist. A developer creates a theme library, a library (.rptlibrary) file, using BIRT Designer Professional, and publishes it to the Resources folder in the Encyclopedia volume, for example:
A library can include multiple themes if the library developer chooses to provide users with different style options to apply to cross tabs.
How to specify a theme for a cross tab
In Interactive Crosstabs, choose FormatTheme. Select a theme from the menu that appears.
A cross tab displaying the Grayscale theme is shown in Figure 10‑37.
Figure 10‑37 Viewing the grayscale theme in a cross tab
Specifying additional display options
Using Interactive Crosstabs, you can customize pagination properties in a cross tab by specifying the row and column interval for page breaks. You can additionally specify the display location for grand totals and subtotals, before or after the dimensions or measures; specify number of data rows to retrieve when drilling up or down dimension hierarchies; and specify cell width.
You can also specify display properties for header rows and empty cells in a cross tab. You can hide dimension level header and measure header rows using the cell context menu. You can also specify whether to display a measure header horizontally in a single row spanning the cross tab or vertically as rows in a single column. You can hide or display empty cells in a cross tab, and optionally specify a custom text string to display in the empty cells.
How to specify display options
1 In Interactive Crosstabs, choose Options.
Options appears as shown in Figure 10‑38.
Figure 10‑38 Specifying display options
2 Make your selections and choose OK.