Specifying the cardinality of a join
You can specify the right-to-left and left-to-right cardinality of a join. Table 6‑10 lists the cardinality types and a description of each type.
Table 6‑10 Cardinality types
Cardinality type
One record in the first table matches one record in the second table.
One record in the first table matches zero or one record in the second table.
One record in the first table matches zero or more records in the second table.
One record in the first table matches one or more records in the second table.
The right-to-left cardinality type is followed by a hyphen (-), and then by the left‑to‑right cardinality type. The cardinality type depends on the join column.
For example:
Customers JOIN Orders ON (Customers.custid = Orders.custid)
indicates that:
*One record in Orders matches one record in Customers.
*One record in Customers matches one or more records in Orders:
Customers JOIN Orders ON (Customers.custid = Orders.custid)
indicates that:
*One record in Orders matches one record in Customers.
*One record in Customers matches zero or more records in Orders:
Customers JOIN Orders ON (Customers.custid = Orders.custid)
indicates that:
*One record in Orders matches zero or more records in Customers.
*One record in Customers matches zero or one record in Orders.