Building a project
Building a project compiles the resources in the project. By default, the IO Design perspective builds a project whenever you modify and save a resource. If you disable automatic building, choose ProjectBuild Project to build a project.
Build error messages appear in Problems, as shown in Figure 4‑1. To locate an error, double-click the error message. To filter error messages, complete the following steps:
1 In BIRT Designer Professional, choose WindowNavigation
Show View Menu.
2 In View Menu choose Show, then select the menu item based on the errors you want to view.
For example, to show all errors, choose ShowAll Errors. To view errors for a selected file, choose ShowErrors/Warnings on Selection.
BIRT Designer Professional displays error messages and warnings based on the option you specified.
Figure 4‑1 The Problems view
If the description is truncated, hover your mouse pointer over the error or warning message to view the complete description.
For more information about building a project and displaying error and warning messages, see the Eclipse HelpWorkbench User Guide in the IO Design perspective online help.