Working with XML files
When you configure a database type, you modify the datasources.xml file and possibly create a mappings.xml file. When you work with XML, the following characters require special treatment:
*< (less than)
*> (greater than)
*" (double quotation mark)
Use the codes in Table 7‑6 to represent these characters.
Table 7‑6 XML codes for special characters 
Special character
XML code
In the following example, &quot; represents the character ":
SET SESSION sql_mode=&quot;ANSI_QUOTES&quot;
Alternatively, you can use CDATA to escape an element value. XML parsers do not interpret the string data inside CDATA. The following example uses < and > but is acceptable because the element value is enclosed in ![CDATA[]]:
<FunctionMapping FunctionName="NE">
<![CDATA[ $P0 <> $P1 ]]>