Parameter name | Description |
BIRT_REPORT_DESIGN_ CACHE_TIMEOUT | Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, before a cached BIRT report design is purged if it has not been used. The default value is 1800, which is 30 minutes. |
BIRT_REPORT_DESIGN_ CACHE_TOTAL_ NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES | Specifies the maximum number of BIRT report designs to cache. The default value is 50. |
BIRT_REPORT_ DOCUMENT_CACHE_ ENABLED | Specifies whether to cache BIRT report documents when they are previewed or generated. The default value is true. |
BIRT_REPORT_ PAGE_COUNT_CACHE_ ENABLED | Specifies whether to cache the number of pages in transient or persistent BIRT report documents when they are previewed or generated. The default value is true. |
BIRT_RESOURCE_PATH | Path to Actuate BIRT shared resources, including libraries and templates for Actuate BIRT report designs and BIRT Studio. The default value is <context root>\resources. |
BIRT_SCRIPT_LIB_PATH | Path to script libraries. The default value is <context root> \scriptlib. |
BRSTUDIO_DESIGN_SESSION_TIMEOUT | The design session time out limit in seconds. If not specified, the design session times out based on the login time out value. |
DEFAULT_DATA_ CACHE_ROW_COUNT | The number of data rows to display in BIRT Studio when designing a report. The default value is 100. |
DEFAULT_LOCALE | The default locale. The default locale is en_US. Users can select a locale when they log in. |
DEFAULT_PAGE_BREAK_ INTERVAL | The number of rows to display on one page when viewing a report. A value of 0 indicates no page breaks. |
DEFAULT_REPORT_ TEMPLATE_CATEGORY_NAME | The default BIRT report template category to load when a user opens BIRT Studio. The default value is Standard. |
DEFAULT_TIMEZONE | The default time zone. The default time zone is Pacific Standard Time (PST). |
MAX_BRSTUDIO_ DESIGN_SESSION | The maximum number of designs a user can edit concurrently in BIRT Studio. The default is 10. |
MAX_BRSTUDIO_USER_ SESSION | The maximum number of concurrent BIRT Studio sessions on the server. The default is 256. |
MAX_DATA_CACHE_ ROW_COUNT | Limits the number of data rows that a user can choose to display in Actuate BIRT Studio when designing a report. The default value is 200. |
MAX_NUMBER_OF_ VALUES_FOR_ DYNAMIC_PARAMETER | The number of values shown in the parameter dialog box for a dynamic value parameter in BIRT Studio: A positive number value N means only the first N values appear the parameter dialog box. A value of 0 means all values from the data source appear in the parameter dialog box. 0 is the default value. A value of -1 means only the first N values appear where N is the current data cache row count setting for the current design session. MAX_NUMBER_OF_VALUES_FOR_DYNAMIC_ PARAMETER only applies to a dynamic value parameter. All the values appear for a static value parameter no matter how many values it has. For a static value parameter, the full list appears in the parameter dialog box when the user chooses Save and View. |
MEMORY_DATA_ CACHE_ROW_COUNT | Specifies the number of data rows to cache in memory. The default value is 50. |
MORE_VALUE_ROW_ COUNT | Specifies the number of rows to fetch when a user chooses to filter a report on a column in BIRT Studio. The default value is 200. |
PERSISTENT_ ARCHIVEFILECACHE_ TIMEOUT_SECONDS | Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, before a cached file that was created from a repository file is purged if it has not been used. The default value is 7200, which is 120 minutes. |
SEARCH_ENABLE_ COLUMN_HEADERS | Indicates whether to include column headings in report search results when the output format is CSV or TSV. Set this parameter to true, the default value, to include column headings. |
SEARCH_USE_ QUOTE_DELIMITER | Indicates whether to enclose search results in quotation marks when the output format is CSV or TSV. The default value is true, which encloses the results in quotation marks. |
TRANSIENT ARCHIVEFILECACHE_ TIMEOUT_SECONDS | Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, before a cached file generated without saving it to the repository is archived if it has not been used. The default value is 1200, which is 30 minutes. |