Parameter name | Description |
ALLOW_EXPORT_PAGE_ LIMIT | Indicates the maximum number of pages that can be exported or printed at a time from Actuate BIRT Viewer. For example, if the value of this parameter is 200, no more than 200 pages will be exported or printed from a report using the viewer. |
ALLOW_IV_PAGE_LIMIT | Specifies whether Java Components check for a page limit before triggering an operation. |
AUTOSUGGEST_DELAY | Configure the delay before the parameters page opens an automatic suggestion for a parameter. The value is measured in milliseconds, and the default value is 500. |
AUTOSUGGEST_FETCH_ SIZE | The number of autosuggest parameter values to load on the parameters page. The default value is ‑1, which loads all values. |
AUTOSUGGEST_LIST_ SIZE | The number of autosuggest parameter values to display on the Parameters page when active. If more values exist than are displayed, the user can scroll through the other values. The default value is 10. |
BIRT_ARCHIVE_ MEMORY_TOTALSIZE | The total memory available for BIRT report document files, in kilobytes. The default value is 50 megabytes. |
BIRT_CHART_CONVERT_ TO_IMAGE_TIME_OUT | Sets the time out for conversion from chart to image in a BIRT report. The default value is 6. |
BIRT_CHART_MAX_ROW | The maximum number of rows bound to a chart in a BIRT report. The default value is 10000 rows. |
BIRT_CHART_MAX_ VARIABLE_SIZE | The maximum size for a variable used in a Flash chart, measured in bytes. The default value is 0, which allows a variable to be of any size. |
BIRT_CUBE_FETCH_ LIMIT_COLUMN_EDGE | The maximum column limit for accessing a data cube. The value must be a non-negative integer; 0 indicates no limit. |
BIRT_CUBE_FETCH_ LIMIT_ROW_EDGE | The maximum row limit for accessing a data cube. The value must be a non-negative integer; 0 indicates no limit. |
BIRT_DATA_RESULTSET_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE | The result set buffer size, in megabytes, for a data set in a BIRT report. The default value is 10 megabytes. |
BIRT_ HTMLRENDEROPTION_ ENGCASSTYLE | Enables the agentStyleEngine property for the HTML render option for a BIRT report. This setting is related to using a browser’s internal CSS capabilities when rendering reports in HTML. It provides better column alignment and faster rendering, especially in a browser other than Microsoft Internet Explorer. The default value is true. |
BIRT_JDBC_ CONNECTION_POOL_ SIZE | Specifies the number of idle connections cached by BIRT JDBC connection pool. The default value is 10. |
BIRT_JDBC_ CONNECTION_POOL_ TIMEOUT | Specifies how long an idle connection will remain in the BIRT JDBC connection pool in seconds. The default value is 3600. |
BIRT_LINKED_DATA_ MODEL_DATA_MODEL_ SIZE | Sets an upper limit on data loaded into memory by a data model at runtime, measured in megabytes. The default value is 0. |
BIRT_RESOURCE_PATH | The path to Actuate BIRT shared resources, including libraries and templates for the BIRT report designs and BIRT Studio. The default value is <context root>\resources. |
BIRT_SCRIPT_LIB_PATH | Path for the BIRT script libraries (JARs). The default value is <context root>\scriptlib. |
BIRT_VIEWER_LOCALE | Locale that determines formatting for numbers and dates on BIRT reports. The default value is the locale of the machine on which Java Components are installed. |
CACHE_CONTROL | Specifies how a web browser caches information using one of the following values: ![]() <<SCR 82179 -- msk 03May2006>> If multiple users access Information Console from the same machine, they can view the same cached data. Setting CACHE_CONTROL to NO‑CACHE prevents different users viewing data cached by the browser. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Caching information reduces the number of server requests that the browser must make and the frequency of expired page messages. Caching increases security risks because of the availability of information in the cache. For additional information about cache control, see the HTTP/1.1 specifications. |
DEFAULT_LOCALE | The default locale. The default locale is en_US. Users can select a locale when they log in. |
DEFAULT_TIMEZONE | The default time zone. The default time zone is Pacific Standard Time (PST). |
DISPLAY_ATTRIBUTE_ ITEM | Sets whether to collapse attribute nodes in the dimension tree. False sets nodes to collapse; True sets nodes to expand. The default value is false. |
EXPORT_AS_ ATTACHMENT | Determines whether a Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, or Word report for BIRT Viewer is opened in the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser or a separate application. ![]() ![]() The Firefox browser always opens these report formats in a separate application. |
IV_ENABLE_IV | Determines whether the Enable Interactivity option is usable in the BIRT Viewer control menu. If false, the Enable Interactivity option is disabled. |
JAVA_REPORT_API_ IMAGE_CACHE_ EXPIRATION | Specifies how long in seconds to cache images for Actuate BIRT reports and business reports. The default value is 86,400, which is one day. |
JREM_TASK_QUEUE_SIZE | Specifies the maximum queue length for the Java Report Engine thread pool. The default value is 1000. |
JREM_THREAD_POOL_ SIZE | Specifies the maximum number of threads in the Java Report Engine thread pool. The default value is 10. |
JREM_THREADPOOL_ MAXSYNC_ TASKRUNTIME | Specifies the maximum time a synchronous report generation is allowed to run. The default value is 600. |
JREM_THREADPOOL_ MONITORTHREAD_ POLLINGINTERVAL | Controls the interval in seconds at which the Java Report Engine thread pool checks for Java report execution time‑out or queue time‑out. The default value is 30. |
JREM_THREADPOOL_ SYNC_TASKQUEUE_ TIMEOUT | Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that a Java synchronous request stays in the Java Report Engine task queue before timing out, in seconds. The default value is 300. |
NUMBER_OF_FILTER_ VALUES | Specifies the number of distinct values to display when a user chooses to filter a report on a column in BIRT Viewer. The default value is 200. |
DEFAULT_COLUMN_ PAGE_BREAK_INTERVAL | Specifies the number of columns to display on one page when viewing a cross tab. Must be a non-negative number. Default value is 10. |
DEFAULT_PAGE_BREAK_INTERVAL | Specifies the number of rows to display in one page when viewing a report. If set to 0, there are no page breaks. |
DEFAULT_ROW_PAGE_ BREAK_INTERVAL | Specifies the number of rows to display on one page when viewing a cross tab. Must be a non-negative number. Default value is 40. |
PROXY_BASEURL | Indicates a proxy server’s URL if the network uses one between the BIRT Viewer web application and the client. The default value is blank, which indicates that the network does not use a proxy server. |
REPOSITORY_CACHE_ TIMEOUT_SEC | Specifies, in seconds, how long to retain temporary files that BIRT Viewer creates when a user modifies the appearance of a report. The default value is 900, which is 15 minutes. |
TEMP_FOLDER_ LOCATION | Path to the folder where temporary files are created. |