JavaScript class | Description |
Entry point to the Actuate JavaScript API library | |
Exception caused by failed authentication | |
Exception caused by a failed connection | |
Conditions to filter data | |
Represents downloaded content | |
Represents and processes a request for report data | |
Results retrieved from a report document in response to a request | |
Sort conditions to sort data | |
Data services to retrieve data from a report document | |
Exception object passed to a callback function or exception handler | |
Parameters from a report | |
Global navigation and layout constants used for the Parameter class | |
Converts parameters into specific and generic formats | |
Defines the events for parameters this API library supports | |
Display name and the associated value | |
a high-level wrapper for an actuate.parameter .ParameterDefinition object | |
Qualities, options, name, and format for a parameter as the parameter displays and accepts values | |
The parameter’s value as processed by a report | |
A report chart | |
A report data item | |
A report Flash object | |
A report gadget | |
An HTML5 enabled chart | |
Options for an HTML5 enabled chart | |
A data point for an HTML5 enabled chart | |
A data series for an HTML5 enabled chart | |
A Highcharts object | |
A Highcharts renderer object | |
A report label element | |
A report table element | |
A report text element | |
The report explorer general container | |
Global constants used for ReportExplorer class | |
Global EventConstants used for ReportExplorer class | |
A file listed in the ReportExplorer and the file’s properties | |
A JavaScript version of com.actuate.schemas.FileCondition | |
A JavaScript version of com.actuate.schemas.FileSearch | |
A JavaScript version of com.actuate .schemas.GetFolderItemsResponse | |
A JavaScript version of com.actuate .schemas.PrivilegeFilter | |
URL parameters for requests to an iHub volume | |
A report viewer component that can be embedded in an HTML page | |
A non-scrolling panel display | |
Defines the events for the viewer this API library supports | |
Content shown on the viewer | |
Parameter values in the viewer | |
Options for downloading reports | |
A scrolling panel display | |
Selected report element | |
Enables UI elements of the scrolling panel display | |
Enables UI elements of the viewer | |
Exception constants supported for the viewer |