Controlling Interactive Viewer user interface features
The BIRT Interactive Viewer enables users to perform a number of custom operations on a BIRT design or document and save or print changes as a new design or document. The file and print features for Interactive Viewer are available in the main menu of the BIRT viewer, as shown in Figure 11‑3.
Figure 11‑3 Interactive Viewer menu
The actuate.viewer.UIOptions class can enable or disable any of the interactive features, including enabling and disabling interactivity. This restricts access to features that aren’t useful to the user or that aren’t supported by the Actuate Java Components application.
All actuate.viewer.UIOptions enable functions accept a Boolean input parameter, which if true enables an interactive feature and if false disables an interactive feature. To display the list of currently enabled and disabled features, use actuate.viewer.UIOptions.getFeatureMap( ). Table 11‑1 contains a complete list of actuate.viewer.UIOptions enable functions that control features.
Table 11‑1 UIOptions enable feature functions
Interactive feature
enableAdvancedSort( )
Enables the advanced sort feature
enableAggregation( )
Enables the aggregation feature
enableCalculatedColumn( )
Enables the calculated column feature
enableChartProperty( )
Enables the chart properties feature.
enableChartSubType( )
Enables the chart subtype selection feature
enableCollapseExpand( )
Enables the collapse/expand feature
enableColumnEdit( )
Enables the column editing feature
enableColumnResize( )
Enables the column resizing feature
enableContentMargin( )
Enables the content margin feature
enableDataAnalyzer( )
Enables the Launch Interactive Crosstab feature
enableDataExtraction( )
Enables the data extraction feature
enableEditReport( )
Enables the report editing/interactivity feature
enableExportReport( )
Enables the export report feature
enableFilter( )
Enables the filter feature
enableFlashGadgetType( )
Enables the flash gadget type change feature
enableFormat( )
Enables the format editing feature
enableGroupEdit( )
Enables the group editing feature
enableHideShowItems( )
Enables the hide/show item feature
enableHighlight( )
Enables the highlight feature
enableHoverHighlight( )
Enables the hover highlight feature
enableLaunchViewer( )
Enables the Launch Viewer feature
enableLinkToThisPage( )
Enables the "link to this page" feature
enableMainMenu( )
Enables the main menu feature
enableMoveColumn( )
Enables the column moving feature
enablePageBreak( )
Enables the page break editing feature
enablePageNavigation( )
Enables the page navigation feature
enableParameterPage( )
Enables the parameter page feature
enablePrint( )
Enables the print feature
enableReorderColumns( )
Enables the column reordering feature
enableRowResize( )
Enables the row resizing feature
enableSaveDesign( )
Enables the report design save feature
enableSaveDocument( )
Enables the report document save feature
enableServerPrint( )
Enables the server-side printing feature
enableShowToolTip( )
Enables the show tooltip feature
enableSort( )
Enables the sort feature
enableSuppressDuplicate( )
Enables the duplication suppression feature
enableSwitchView( )
Enables the switch view feature
enableTextEdit( )
Enables the text editing feature
enableTOC( )
Enables the table of contents feature
enableToolBar( )
Enables the toolbar feature
enableToolbarContextMenu( )
Enables the show toolbar features in a context menu
enableToolbarHelp( )
Enables the toolbar help feature
enableTopBottomNFilter( )
Enables the top N and bottom N filter feature
enableUndoRedo( )
Enables the undo and redo feature
The viewer does not accept UIConfig changes after it loads. The only way to reset UIConfig options is to reload the viewer. This is only viable in the context of a web page, as the viewer must always be present for a BIRT design to run scripts.
Disabling UI features in a custom web page
Custom web pages can restrict the viewer’s user interface using the actuate.viewer.UIOptions class. For example, if you wanted to create a viewer page that didn’t provide access to parameters, create a UIOptions object that disables the parameters page on the display as shown in the following code:
var manUIOptions = new actuate.viewer.UIOptions( );
To apply this UIConfig settings to the viewer, use the UIConfig object in the viewer’s constructor, as shown in the following code:
var manViewer = new actuate.Viewer(ManContainer);
The viewer configured with the parameter page feature disabled does not show the Parameters option in the main menu, as shown in Figure 11‑4.
Figure 11‑4 The main menu with edit disabled
Control the viewer interface features with the actuate.viewer.UIOptions class. You create an instance of this class using JavaScript, as shown in the following code:
var uioptions = new actuate.viewer.UIOptions( );
Set the user interface options with the enable functions in the actuate.viewer.UIOptions class. For example, a toolbar appears in the viewer by default, as shown in Figure 11‑1.
Figure 11‑5 The default toolbar for the JavaScript API viewer
To disable this toolbar, use the following code:
All of the enable functions take a Boolean value as an argument. To configure the viewer to use these options, use setUIOptions( ) as shown in the following code:
The setUIOptions( ) function accepts one parameter: an actuate.viewer.UIOptions object. The viewer’s submit( ) function commits the user interface changes to the viewer when the function sends the object to the HTML container. Set the UI options using setUIOptions( ) before you call submit( ).