BIRT Studio is a web application that is initiated by a Java servlet. The BIRT Studio servlet manages binary content and performs tasks such as uploading and downloading binary files.
You invoke the BIRT Studio servlet using the following syntax:
http://<web server>:<port>/<context root>/wr
web server is the fully qualified domain name or IP address of the machine hosting the web or application server.
port is the port on which the application server listens for requests.
context root is the BIRT Report Studio context root.
wr is the name to which the servlet is mapped in the web application’s web.xml file. A typical location for web.xml is <context root>\WEB-INF.
Servlet names are case‑sensitive. Do not modify the servlets, their names, or their mapping in web.xml.
BIRT Studio
The BIRT Studio servlet loads the BIRT Studio user interface and establishes a connection to a report repository. A report repository is required in order to use the servlet.
The BIRT Studio servlet requires repository parameters in order to operate. Table 5‑2 lists and describes the URI parameters for the BIRT Studio servlet.
Table 5‑2 BIRT Studio URI parameters
URI parameter
The repository type. Use Enterprise for a volume.
The URL of a web or application server machine.
The name of a volume that is managed by the URL to which you connect.
The name of a server configured in VolumeProfile.xml. BIRT Studio uses the volume information in a VolumeProfile entry except when a volume parameter specifies a different one.
In addition to the initial BIRT Studio page, you can open BIRT Studio with:
A specific report design
A specific template
A report design that accesses a specific information object
A report design that accesses a specific information object and a report template
In the example URLs in the following topics, special characters are represented by codes, as shown in Table 5‑3.
Table 5‑3 Codes for special characters in URLs
Colon (:)
Slash (/)
Period (.)
Space ( )
To open an existing report design in BIRT Report Studio, use a URL like the one shown in the following example: