Specifying an output document destination using a URL
The iHubWebURL property in acserverconfig.xml supports automatically sending a copy of the output document a scheduled job generates to a location you specify.
How to set the iHubWebURL property
1 Stop iHub processes. For information on stopping and starting iHub processes for a cluster or for a standalone iHub installation, see Stopping and starting iHub processes. Wait until all services have stopped before going to the next step.
2 Open AC_CONFIG_HOME\acserverconfig.xml using a text editor. Find iHubWebURL. Specify the URL for the location where you want Visualization Platform to send a copy of the output document when the job generating the document completes. For example, in Listing 4‑2, iHubWebURL specifies that Visualization Platform sends output documents to a cluster node named TUPO.
Listing 4‑2 Setting the iHubWebURL property
Save and exit the file.
3 Start iHub processes. For information on stopping and starting iHub processes for a cluster or for a standalone iHub installation, see Stopping and starting iHub processes.