Aggregate function | Description |
AVERAGE | Returns the average (mathematical mean) value in a set of values. For example, if a set contains values 5, 2, 7, and 10, AVERAGE returns 6. |
CONCATENATE | Joins the values in a set of values. For example, if a set contains values Belgium, Denmark, and France, CONCATENATE returns BelgiumDenmarkFrance. You can optionally specify a separator to insert between the values, the maximum length of the returned string, and whether to include duplicate values in the returned string. |
COUNT | Counts the number of rows. If a set contains values 5, 2, 7, and 10, COUNT returns 4. |
COUNTDISTINCT | Counts the number of unique values in a set of values. If a set of values contains values 5, 2, 5, 7, and 10, COUNTDISTINCT returns 4. |
FIRST | Returns the first value in a set of values. If a set of values contains values 5, 2, 7, and 10, FIRST returns 5. |
IS-BOTTOM-N | Returns a Boolean value that indicates if a value is one of the bottom n values. If a set of values contains 5, 2, 7, and 10, and you specify 2 as the n value, IS‑BOTTOM‑N returns true for values 5 and 2, and false for values 7 and 10. |
IS-BOTTOM-N-PERCENT | Returns a Boolean value that indicates if a value is one of the bottom n percent values. If a set of values contains 5, 2, 7, and 10, and you specify 25 (percent) as the n value, IS‑BOTTOM‑N‑PERCENT returns true for 2, and false for 5, 7, and 10. |
IS-TOP-N | Returns a Boolean value that indicates if a value is one of the top n values. If a set contains values 5, 2, 7, and 10, and you specify 2 as the n value, IS-TOP-N returns false for 2 and 5, and true for 7 and 10. |
IS-TOP-N-PERCENT | Returns a Boolean value that indicates if a value is one of the top n percent values. If a set of values contains 5, 2, 7, and 10, and you specify 25 (percent) as the n value, IS‑TOP‑N‑PERCENT returns false for 5, 2, and 7, and true for 10. |
LAST | Returns the last value in a set of values. If a set of values contains values 2, 5, 7, and 10, LAST returns 10. |
MAX | Returns the largest value in a set of values. If a set of values contains values 5, 2, 7, and 10, MAX returns 10. For string values, MAX returns the last value alphabetically. For date values, MAX returns the latest date. |
MEDIAN | Returns the median, or mid-point, value in a set of values. If a set of values contains values 5, 2, 7, and 10, MEDIAN returns 6. |
MIN | Returns the smallest value in a set of values. If a set of values contains values 5, 2, 7, and 10, MIN returns 2. For string values, MIN returns the first value alphabetically. For date values, MIN returns the earliest date. |
MODE | Returns the mode, which is the value that occurs most often in a set of values. If a set of values contains values 5, 2, 5, 7, and 10, MODE returns 5. |
MOVINGAVE | Returns the moving average for a set of values over a specified interval or number of values. This type of calculation is typically used for analyzing trends of stock prices. For example, you can display the moving average of stock prices over three days. If a set of values contains values 5, 2, 5, 7, and 10, and you specify 3 as the interval, MOVINGAVE returns null, null, 4, 4.66, and 7.33 for each row, respectively. |
PERCENTILE | Returns the percentile value in a set of values, given a specified percent rank. For example, you can get the score that represents the 50th percentile of all scores on a test. If a set of values contains 50, 75, 80, 90, and 95, and you specify a percent rank of 0.9 (to get the 90th percentile value), PERCENTILE returns 93. |
PERCENTRANK | Returns the rank of a value as a percentage of all the values in a set. The return value ranges from 0 to 1. If a set of values contains 50, 75, 80, 90, and 95, PERCENTRANK returns 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1 for each row, respectively. |
PERCENTSUM | Returns the percentage of a total. If a set of values contains 50, 75, 80, 90, and 95, the sum of the values is 390. PERCENTSUM returns 0.128 (50/390), 0.192 (75/390), 0.205 (80/390), 0.231 (90/390), and 0.244 (95/390) for each row, respectively. |
QUARTILE | Returns the quartile value in a set of values, given a specified quart (0 ‑ 4). MIN, MEDIAN, and MAX return the same value as QUARTILE when quart is equal to 0, 2, and 4, respectively. If a set of values contains 50, 75, 80, 90, and 95, and you specify a quart of 2, QUARTILE returns 80. |
RANK | Returns the rank of a value in a set of values. The rank of a value ranges from 1 to the number of values in the set. If two values are identical, they have the same rank. You can rank values in ascending or descending order. In descending order, the highest value is ranked 1. In ascending order, the lowest value is ranked 1. If a set of values contains 50, 75, 80, 90, and 95, and you specify descending order, RANK returns 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 for each row, respectively. |
RUNNINGCOUNT | Returns the row number, up to a given point, in the report. If a set of values contains 50, 75, 80, 90, and 95, RUNNINGCOUNT returns 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 for each row, respectively. |
RUNNINGSUM | Returns the total, up to a given point, in the report. If a set of values contains 50, 75, 80, 90, and 95, RUNNINGSUM returns 50, 125, 205, 295, and 390 for each row, respectively. |
STDDEV | Returns the standard deviation of a set of values. Standard deviation is a statistic that shows how widely values are dispersed from the mean value. If a set of values contains 50, 75, 80, 90, and 95, STDDEV returns 17.536. |
SUM | Adds all the values in a set of values. If a set of values contains 50, 75, 80, 90, and 95, SUM returns 390. |
VARIANCE | Returns the variance of a set of values. Variance is a statistical measure that expresses how large the differences between the values are. The variance increases as the differences between the numbers increase. If a set of values contains 50, 75, 80, 90, and 95, VARIANCE returns 307.5. If a set of values contains 5, 2, 5, 7, and 10, VARIANCE returns 8.7. |
WEIGHTEDAVE | Returns the weighted average value in a set of values, given weights specified in another set of values. In a weighted average, some numbers carry more importance (weight) than others. Grades are often computed using a weighted average. For example: Score Weight (counts toward n% of grade) 50 10 75 25 80 15 90 30 95 20 Given this set of scores and weights, WEIGHTEDAVE returns 81.75. |