Type of filter condition | Description | Example as it appears in the filter tool |
Comparison | Compares the value of a field to a specified value. | row["quantity"] Less than 10 row["custName"] Equal "Acme Inc." row["custName"] Greater than or Equal "P" row["custState"] Not Equal "CA" row["orderDate"] Less than or Equal "06/30/05" |
Null value | Tests whether a field has a value or not. | row["manager"] Is Null row["shipDate"] Is Not Null |
Range | Tests whether the value of a field falls within a range of specified values. The test includes the endpoints of the range. | row["quantity"] Between 50 and 100 returns all quantities between 50 and 100, including 50 and 100. row["custName"] Between "A" and "B" returns all names that start with A. row["custName"] Not Between "A" and "M" returns all names that start with M and later letters. row["orderDate"] Between "06/01/05" and "06/30/05" returns all dates between these dates, including 06/01/05 and 06/30/05. |
Conditional logic | Tests if a complete filter condition evaluates to true or false. Use to create a single filter condition that consists of multiple conditions. | row["country"] == "USA"||row["country"] == "Canada" Is False returns all countries except the USA and Canada. row["orderStatus"] == "Open"||row["orderTotal"] > 100000 Is True returns all orders with open status and all orders with totals exceeding 100000. |
Pattern-matching test, using JavaScript syntax | Tests whether the value of a string field matches a specified pattern called a regular expression. | row["custName"] Match /Smith/ returns names that contain the substring Smith. row["creditRank"] Match /[AB]/ returns credit ranks A or B. row["productCode"] Match /^S10/ returns product codes that begin with S10. |
Pattern-matching test, using SQL syntax | Tests whether the value of a string field matches a specified pattern that uses SQL syntax. | row["custName"] Like '%Smith%' returns names that contain the substring Smith. row["productCode"] Like 'S10%' returns product codes that begin with S10. |
Top or bottom n logic | Tests if the value of a specified field is within the top or bottom n values. | row["age"] Top Percent 5 returns ages in the top 5 percent. row["age"] Bottom Percent 5 returns ages in the bottom 5 percent. row["orderTotal"] Top n 10 returns the top 10 orders. row["orderTotal"] Bottom n 10 returns the bottom 10 orders. |