You can change the vertical alignment of content by setting the vertical‑alignment property to one of the following values: top, middle, bottom. You can align content vertically by applying the vertical‑alignment property to a row, to individual cells, or to a content element.
Set the vertical‑alignment property on a row to align vertically all elements in the row at the same position. Figure 8‑29 shows the results of setting a row’s vertical-alignment property to middle. All the labels in the row, which has a specified height, appear in the center vertically.
Figure 8‑29 Vertical-alignment property setting for a row
Set the vertical-alignment property on a cell to control the vertical position of elements in the cell. Figure 8‑30 shows the results of using a different vertical‑alignment value for each grid cell that contains a label.
Figure 8‑30 Vertical-alignment property settings for cells that contain one element
Figure 8‑31 shows the results of using a different vertical alignment value for each cell that contains two inline elements. An inline element is one that has no line break before or after it, and for which the Display property is set to inline. Two inline elements in a cell appear side by side on a single line.
Figure 8‑31 Vertical-alignment property settings for cells that contain multiple elements