The steps you take to start BIRT Report Designer depend on whether you are using BIRT Report Designer or BIRT RCP Report Designer. To start the designer, follow the instructions that are appropriate to the designer that you use.
How to start BIRT Report Designer
1 Start Eclipse by navigating to the Eclipse directory and performing one of the following tasks:
If you are using a Microsoft Windows system, run eclipse.exe.
If you are using a UNIX or Linux system, run eclipse.
2 In Workspace Launcher, shown in Figure 1‑1, specify a workspace in which to store your report projects.
To create a workspace in the default location, choose OK.
To specify a different location, choose Browse to select a different folder, then choose OK.
Figure 1‑1 Workspace Launcher
3 From the main menu of Eclipse Workbench, choose Window➛Open Perspective➛Other➛Report Design to start BIRT Report Designer. The application window displays the Report Design perspective, as shown in Figure 1‑2.
Figure 1‑2 BIRT Report Designer
The Report Design perspective shows all the tools, which Eclipse calls views, for creating and managing reports. A perspective is an Eclipse mechanism for organizing the initial set and layout of views in the application window.
If you are new to the Eclipse environment, read the Eclipse online documentation at for information about perspectives, views, and other Eclipse user interface topics.