Editing a user group
The administrator has the same level of control over a user group when editing the user group as when creating it, including adding or removing one or more users from the group.
How to edit a user group
1 Left-click the arrowhead icon next to a user group name and choose Edit, as shown in Figure 2‑21.
Figure 2‑21 Choosing to edit a user group
2 On Edit <user group name>—General, make any necessary changes to any user property on Edit <user group name>, as shown in Figure 2‑22.
Figure 2‑22 Editing a user group
3 Choose Assign Users from the side menu.
4 On Edit <user group name>—Assign Users, assign one or more users to a user group by moving one or more users from the left‑hand user list to the right‑hand user list using the right arrow. Remove one or more users from a user group by moving one or more users from the right‑hand user list to the left‑hand user list using the left arrow., as shown in Figure 2‑23. Use Search available users or Search assigned users to isolate a particular user or subset of users from which to choose, if necessary.
Figure 2‑23 Assigning or unassigning a user to or from a user group
Choose Save to save any changes to the user group.