Lengthy reports or reports that consist of distinct sections typically look more organized if each section appears on a separate page. As you design a report, make sure you periodically view the generated report to see if you need to set page breaks to make the report more usable. You can set a page break for each group and section you create.
How to set a page break
1 Select and right‑click a grouped column or section heading. Choose Group➛Page Break, or Section➛Page Break. Page Break appears, as shown in Figure 9‑14.
Figure 9‑14 Page Break dialog box
2 In Page Break, select After or Before from the drop‑down list to insert a page break after or before a group or section.
If you select After, do one of the following:
Choose Always to always insert a page break after each group or section.
Choose Always except last to always insert a page break after each group or section, but not after the last one. This is the typical option to avoid a blank page at the end of the report.
If you select Before, do one of the following:
Choose Always to always insert a page break before each group or section.
Choose Always except first to always insert a page break before each group or section, but not before the first one. This is the typical option to avoid a blank page at the beginning of the report.
Choose None to remove an existing page break.
3 Choose OK. Run the report to view the modified design.