Designing reports using BIRT Studio : Adding interactive viewing features : Using hyperlinks : Creating a hyperlink : Linking two sections in a report
Linking two sections in a report
To link one report element to another element in the same report, use a bookmark and a hyperlink. First, define a bookmark for the target report element. Then, define a hyperlink in the source report element. Perform these tasks in the recommended sequence because to successfully create a hyperlink you need the bookmark information.
For information about how to create a bookmark, see “Creating a bookmark,” earlier in this document. After creating the bookmark, you create a hyperlink that links to the bookmark. Figure 9‑7 shows an example that uses a bookmark and hyperlink to link two charts in the report.
Because the report is a multipage report, the section‑level pie chart uses a hyperlink for users to easily navigate between the current page, and the bar chart at the beginning of the report. The bar chart contains a bookmark, ReportTableChart, that the hyperlink uses.
Figure 9‑7 Viewing a hyperlink source and target report
How to create a hyperlink that links two sections in a report
1 Select the report column or report element for which you want to create a hyperlink. Then choose Hyperlink from the context menu.
2 Hyperlink Builder appears. On Hyperlink Builder, do the following:
1 In Hyperlink Type, select Bookmark in this report.
2 In Bookmark, select the bookmark from the list. Figure 9‑8 uses the ReportTableChart bookmark.
3 In Tooltip, optionally type the text to display when the user hovers the mouse pointer over the hyperlink. Choose OK.
Figure 9‑8 Creating a bookmark to link sections in the same report
The report design displays the hyperlink based on the options you specified.
The example in Figure 9‑7 displays the result of the hyperlink options shown in Figure 9‑8.