Configuring Integration and Caching services : Configuring the Caching service : Configuring process management properties
Configuring process management properties
The administrator configures process management properties for the Caching service by setting property values in the following process management categories:
*Process parameters
Configuring process parameters
In Process Parameters, the administrator sets the start‑up parameters for Caching service processes property.
How to configure process parameters
1 Expand Caching Service, Process Management, as shown in Figure 10‑11, and choose Process Parameters.
2 In Start parameters for Caching service processes, accept the default value, or alternatively, modify the value, as shown in Figure 10‑13.
Figure 10‑13 Setting the start parameters for the Caching service
Choose OK.
3 Restart iHub.
Configuring communication
In Communication, the administrator sets the Port for Information Object Caching server messages property.
How to configure communication
1 Expand Caching Service, and Process Management, as shown in Figure 10‑11, and choose Communication.
2 In Port for Information Object Caching server messages, accept the default value, 11550, or alternatively, specify a different value, as shown in Figure 10‑14.
Figure 10‑14 Configuring the Communication property
Choose OK.
3 Restart iHub.
Configuring requests
In Requests, the administrator sets the following properties:
*Max SOAP requests
*Max SOAP request threads
How to configure requests
1 Expand Caching Service, and Process Management, as shown in Figure 10‑11, and choose Requests.
2 In Max SOAP requests, accept the default value, 20, or alternatively, specify a different value, as shown in Figure 10‑15.
Figure 10‑15 Configuring the Requests property
3 In Max SOAP request threads, accept the default value, 8, or alternatively, specify a different value.
Choose OK.
4 Restart iHub.
Configuring bulk load
In Bulk Load, the administrator sets the following properties:
*Keep temporary bulk load files
*Client bulk load path
How to configure bulk load
1 Expand Caching Service, and choose Bulk Load, as shown in Figure 10‑11.
2 In Keep temporary bulk load files, accept the default value, or alternatively, specify a different value, as shown in Figure 10‑16.
Figure 10‑16 Configuring the Bulk Load property
3 In Client bulk load path, accept the default path, or alternatively, specify a different path.
Choose OK.
4 Restart iHub.
Table 10‑1 lists the Caching service properties, and relates the property names that appear in Configuration Console with the corresponding parameter names in acmetadescription.xml, indicating default settings, ranges, and when a property change takes effect.
Table 10‑1 Actuate Caching service parameters
Property name
Parameter name
Takes effect
Client bulk load path
Server Restart
Enable caching service
Keep temporary bulk load files
Server Restart
Max SOAP requests
2 ‑ 1024
Server Restart
Max SOAP request threads
2 ‑ 200
Server Restart
Start parameters for Caching service processes
-Xmx128M com.nimble.ccs.Server
Server Restart
Port for Information Object Caching server messages
1024 ‑ 65535
Server Restart