Using resource groups : Adding a resource group : How to add a resource group
How to add a resource group
1 From the Advanced view of Configuration Console, choose System Resource Groups.
2 On Resource groups, choose Add resource group.
Resource Groups—New Resource Group—General appears, as shown in Figure 8‑9.
Figure 8‑9 Adding a synchronous resource group
3 Supply the following parameter values:
*Type a name for the resource group. Choose the name carefully because you cannot change it later.
*Deselect the Disabled option, so that cluster nodes assigned to the resource group can run jobs that users send to the group. The default status of a new resource group is Disabled.
*Type a description of the resource group.
*Select the type of resource group Async, Sync, or View. You cannot change the type later.
*To specify that all Encyclopedia volumes can use the Factories of the resource group, select All. Alternatively, select the name of the Encyclopedia volume that can use the Factory processes.
*Select a work unit type.
*Modify Start Arguments if necessary.
*Type a minimum and maximum priority for jobs sent to an asynchronous resource group.
Choose OK.
4 On Resource Groups, choose the resource group you just created.
On Properties, choose Template Assignments.
5 In Template Assignments, change the following settings, as shown in Figure 8‑10:
*Select Activate to make that server a member of the resource group so it can use the resource group’s Factory processes.
*Select the maximum number of Factory processes to assign to the resource group.
*For resource groups that support Java reports, type the minimum number of Factory processes.
*Specify Start Arguments to optimize performance.
Figure 8‑10 Making server assignments to the new resource group
Choose OK.
6 Restart the cluster node or stand-alone server.