Performing basic configuration tasks : Using Advanced view : Changing server, template, volume, or partition options : About the servers list
About the servers list
Table 1‑3 describes the columns available in Options—Servers that display in the servers list.
Table 1‑3 Columns available for display in the node list
Column name
Name of the server, typically the machine name.
Name of the template that defines the configuration properties for the server.
Current status of the machine. Status can be master, online, offline, or stopping. Status also lists the following services configured for iHub on the specified machine:
*M for Message Distribution service
*F for Factory service
*V for View service
*C for Caching service
*I for Integration service
Description field from the iHub definition.
Operating system and version
Server machine’s operating system and version.
Actuate version
iHub release number.
Current requests
Current number of active requests.
A flag appears when you must restart iHub to apply updates to the configuration.