Reviewing a Measure Detail report
Table 10‑4 outlines items to check when you review this report.
Table 10‑4 Measure Detail report review checklist
Report value
Items to check
Check for spelling and naming conventions.
Check for spelling. Ensure that all descriptions have been provided and explain what is being measured and why. Descriptions are recommended, but are not mandatory.
Using Excel’s AutoFiltering feature (DataFilterAuto Filter), you can select specific locations and see how they differ from the (Default) location. The Default location shows the standard settings for each measure. When looking at specific locations, only measure settings which differ from the (Default) location settings appear.
All measures have a specified type. Filter on Group, Data, or Formula measures to check for specific setup information.
Yes indicates that the measure has been marked critical. For more information, see About creating measures.
All data and formula measures have a polarity entry. Bad indicates that high values are bad, and Good indicates that high values are good. For more information, see Choosing data properties for data and formula measures.
Unit Type
All data and formula measures should contain a unit type. For more information, see Choosing data properties for data and formula measures.
<deleted measure> indicates that a measure has been deleted from the database, but not from the formula or grouping. These formulas need to be corrected in the database.
Submeasure Total %
For group measures, the total of submeasures should be 100%. If the total is less than 100%, it may indicate that a measure has been deleted from the database. The weightings should be corrected in the database.
Direct Data Entry
This indicates which comparatives are being provided at the formula level. Actual should not show up in this list. For more information, see Creating formulas for formula measures.
Storage Period
Each formula and data measure must have a storage period.
Each measure should have a dashboard. Group measures, for example, should have a group dashboard, while monthly measures should have monthly dashboards.
Period Consolidation
Check the period consolidation for each data and formula measure. Percentages and Ratios, for example, should not have Sum as the period consolidation.
Ignore Period Blanks
It is recommended that ignore period blanks should be No for the majority of measures to ensure that all data is provided.
Location Consolidation
Check the location consolidation for each data and formula measure. Percentages and Ratios, for example, should not have Sum as the location consolidation.
Ignore Location Blanks
The majority of measures probably show Yes for the ignore location blanks.
Consolidation Range
There should be an entry for each formula and data measure. The most commonly used ranges are Moving Year and This Year to Date.
Order of Calc
All data and formula measures have an order of calculation chosen.
<Location Owner> indicates that measure ownership varies by location. Using Excel’s auto-filter option allows you to see the lists of measures owned by specific users.
Owners Enter Data?
No indicates that the owner cannot enter data for the selected measure.
Owners Enter Commentary?
No indicates that the owner cannot enter commentaries for the selected measure.
Owner’s Assistant
Lists the measure assistant. Assistants are optional.
Data Entry Users
Lists additional data entry users for the measure.
Commentary Entry Users
Lists additional commentary entry users for the measure.
Custom Index Ranges
This column lists any customized index ranges that have been made. To avoid confusion, it is recommended that this feature be used sparingly.
Any notes attached to the measure show in this column. For more information, see Attaching notes, links, and link tags.
Link Detail
Any documents linked to the measure display in this column.
It is recommended that administrators be selected as the publishers for measures.
Yes indicates the measure is available to other users. No indicates the measure is not available to other users.
Yes indicates that the measure does not appear in any of the views. Review and re‑link measures that should appear in the view, leave those measures that will be used in the future, and delete the measures that will no longer be used.
Location Invalid?
At the highest location, lists the locations to which the measure does not apply. At lower locations, Yes indicates that there are some locations to which the measure does not apply.
Indicates any categories assigned to the measure.