
Class actuate.parameter.ParameterData

The ParameterData class is a high-level wrapper for an actuate.parameter.ParameterDefinition object.
Member of: actuate.parameter.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Constructs a new ParameterData object.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Return the cascading parent value for this parameter.
Returns the child ParameterData object.
Returns the controlType UI value for this ParameterData object.
Returns the current UI Value set by the UI Control.
Returns the default value for this ParameterData object.
Returns the help text for this ParameterData.
Returns the list of name-value pairs for this ParameterData object.
Returns the parameter name for this ParameterData object.
Returns the parent ParameterData object.
Get's the pick list for the child of this parameter data.
Returns the prompt text for this ParameterData object.
getSuggestionList(callback, filter)
Returns the filter-based suggestion list for this ParameterData object.
Returns true when this parameter is an ad hoc parameter.
Returns true when this parameter is a cascading parameter.
Returns true when this parameter is a dynamic filter.
Returns true when this parameter is shown as a multi-list UI element.
Returns true when this parameter is required.
Adds a child parameter to this parameter.
Sets the UI value of the UI control.
Sets a parent ParameterData object, making this ParameterData object its child.
Defines a web service to use to send SOAP messages.
Class Detail
actuate.parameter.ParameterData(reportName, pd)
Constructs a new ParameterData object.
{String} reportName
The name of the report where the parameter definition originates.
{actuate.parameter.ParameterDefinition} pd
The parameter definition set for this ParameterData object.
Method Detail
{actuate.parameter.ParameterValue[ ]} getCascadingParentValues(parentValues)
Return the cascading parent value for this parameter. This sample code returns a storage array of actuate.parameter.ParameterValue objects representing the cascading parent values:
	var parentValues = new Array( );
	parentValues = myParamData.getCascadingParentValues(parentValues);
{actuate.parameter.ParameterValue[ ]} parentValues
Storage array which will be populated with parameter values.
{actuate.parameter.ParameterValue[ ]} parentValues The input array populated with the cascading parent values.

{actuate.parameter.ParameterData} getChildData()
Returns the child ParameterData object. This sample code assigns the child of myParameterData to the myChildData variable:
	var myChildData = myParameterData.getChildData( );

{String} getControlType()
Returns the controlType UI value for this ParameterData object. This sample code displays the controlType UI value for the myParamData object in an alert box:
	alert(myParamData.getControlType( ));
{String} controlType The controlType UI value. Legal controlType UI values are:
  • null
  • ""
  • "AutoSuggest"
  • "ControlRadioButton"
  • "ControlList"
  • "ControlListAllowNew"
  • "ControlCheckBox"

{actuate.parameter.ParameterValue} getCurrentValue()
Returns the current UI Value set by the UI Control. This sample code assigns the current UI value to the myCurrVal variable:
	var myCurrVal = myParameterData.getCurrentValue( );
{actuate.parameter.ParameterValue} Returns null when the UI control has not set a value.

{String} getDefaultValue()
Returns the default value for this ParameterData object. This sample code displays the default value for myParamData in an alert box:
	alert(myParamData.getDefaultValue( ));
{String} The default value. Returns null when the default value is null.

{String} getHelpText()
Returns the help text for this ParameterData. This sample code displays the help text for the myParamData object in an alert box:
	alert(myParamData.getHelpText( ));
{String} The help text.

{actuate.parameter.NameValuePair[ ]} getNameValueList()
Returns the list of name-value pairs for this ParameterData object. This example stores the array of NameValuePair objects for the myParamValues object in a variable called myNVList:
	var myNVList = new Array( );
	myNVList = myParamValues.getNameValueList( );
{actuate.parameter.NameValuePair[ ]} Array of actuate.parameter.NameValuePair

{String} getParameterName()
Returns the parameter name for this ParameterData object. This sample code displays the parameter name for the myParamData object in an alert box:
	alert(myParamData.getParameterName( ));
{String} The parameter name.

{actuate.parameter.ParameterData} getParentData()
Returns the parent ParameterData object. This sample code assigns this ParameterData object's parent ParameterData object to the myParentData variable:
	var myParentData = myParameterData.getParentData( );

{actuate.parameter.ParameterValue[ ]} getPickList(callback)
Get's the pick list for the child of this parameter data. This sample code uses the callback function runNext( ) to display the pick list's total leftover count in an alert box and assigns the array of NameValuePair objects to the pickListNVPairs variable:
	function runNext(pairs, leftover){
		var pickListNVPairs = new Array( );
		pickListNVPairs = pairs;
{function} callback
An optional function to call when this function completes. This function receives the following parameters:
{actuate.parameter.ParameterValue[ ]} Array of actuate.parameter.ParameterValue objects.

{String} getPromptText()
Returns the prompt text for this ParameterData object. This sample code displays the prompt text for the myParamData object in an alert box:
	alert(myParamData.getPromptText( ));
{String} The prompt text.

{void} getSuggestionList(callback, filter)
Returns the filter-based suggestion list for this ParameterData object. This sample code uses the string "Trucks" to call back function runNext( ) to filter the suggestion list and assigns the filtered NameValuePair objects to the mySuggestions variable:
	paramObj.getSuggestionList(runNext, "Trucks");
	function runNext(suggested){
		var mySuggestions = new Array( );
		mySuggestions = suggested;
{function} callback
An optional function to call when this function completes. This function receives an array of actuate.parameter.NameValuePair objects as a parameter.
{String} filter
The filter for the suggestion list.

{boolean} isAdhoc()
Returns true when this parameter is an ad hoc parameter. This example displays the ad hoc status of a parameter in an alert box:
	alert(paramData.isAdhoc( ));
{boolean} True when this parameter is ad hoc.

{boolean} isCascadingParameter()
Returns true when this parameter is a cascading parameter. This example displays the cascading parameter status of a parameter in an alert box:
	 alert(paramData.isCascadingParameter( ));
{boolean} True when this parameter is a cascading parameter.

{boolean} isDynamicFilter()
Returns true when this parameter is a dynamic filter. This example displays the dynamic filter status of a parameter in an alert box:
	alert(paramData.isDynamicFilter( ));
{boolean} True when this parameter is a dynamic filter.

{boolean} isMultiList()
Returns true when this parameter is shown as a multi-list UI element. This example displays the multi-list UI element status of a parameter in an alert box:
	alert(paramData.isMultiList( ));
{boolean} True when this parameter is shown as a multi-list UI element.

{boolean} isRequired()
Returns true when this parameter is required. This example displays the required status of a parameter in an alert box:
	alert(paramData.isRequired( ));
{boolean} True when this parameter is required.

{void} setChildData(childData)
Adds a child parameter to this parameter. This sample code sets the ParameterData object myChildData as the child of the ParameterData object myParamData:
{actuate.parameter.ParameterData} childData
ParameterData that contains the child for this ParameterData.

{void} setCurrentValue(value)
Sets the UI value of the UI control. When a UI value changes, UIControl calls this method to update the ParameterData object. This sample code sets the ParameterValue object myValue as the value of the ParameterData object myParamData:
{actuate.parameter.ParameterValue} value
Value set by the UI.

{void} setParentData(parentData)
Sets a parent ParameterData object, making this ParameterData object its child. This sample code sets the ParameterData object myParentData as the parent of the ParameterData object myParamData:
{actuate.parameter.ParameterData} parentData
ParameterData that contains the parent for this ParameterData

{void} setWebService(webService)
Defines a web service to use to send SOAP messages.
{Object} webService
A service used to send soap message

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.0.1 on Tue Jan 29 2013 05:44:21 GMT-0800 (PST)