

A container for a ClientSeries in a ClientSeries provides functions to manage a series and the graph of that series. In the ClientSeries object, all the points are accessible from the array.
Member of:

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Generates a new ClientSeries object to manage a series for a
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
addPoint(options, redraw, shift, animation)
Adds a point dynamically to the series.
Sorts the series and removes duplicate points or values.
Clears DOM series objects and frees memory.
Hides the graph of this series.
Redraws the graph of this series after updating the data and axes.
remove(redraw, animation)
Removes this series and optionally redraws the chart.
Renders the graph of this series and its markers.
Selects this series.
setData(data, redraw)
Replaces the series data with a new set of data.
setVisible(vis, redraw)
Sets the visibility of this series.
Displays the graph of this series.
Class Detail
Generates a new ClientSeries object to manage a series for a
Method Detail
<static> {void} addPoint(options, redraw, shift, animation)
Adds a point dynamically to the series. This example adds a point of value 12 to the end of myClientSeries:
{Object} options
The point options. If options is a single number, the point gets that number as the Y value. If options is an array, the point gets the first two numbers as an X and Y value pair. If options is an object, advanced options as outlined in the Highcharts options.point are applied. The fields include color, events, id, marker, legend, Index (pie chart only), name, sliced (pie chart only), X, and Y.
{Boolean} redraw
Optional. Specifies whether to redraw the chart. Default is true.
{Boolean} shift
Optional. When shift is true, the graph of the series shifts one point toward the end of the series and a point added to the beginning of the series. Default is false.
{Boolean|Object} animation
Optional. Whether to apply animation, and optionally animation configuration. Default is true.

<static> {void} cleanData()
Sorts the series and removes duplicate points or values. This example sorts myClientSeries and removes its duplicate points and values:
	myClientSeries.cleanData( );

<static> {void} destroy()
Clears DOM series objects and frees memory. This example clears the memory of myClientSeries and its member objects:
	myClientSeries.destroy( );

<static> {void} hide()
Hides the graph of this series. This example hides myClientSeries graph from the chart:
	myClientSeries.hide( );

<static> {void} redraw()
Redraws the graph of this series after updating the data and axes. This example redraws the graph of myClientSeries:
	myClientSeries.redraw( );

<static> {void} remove(redraw, animation)
Removes this series and optionally redraws the chart. his example removes the graph of myClientSeries from the chart:
	myClientSeries.remove( );
{Boolean} redraw
Optional. Specifies whether to redraw the chart. Default is true.
{Boolean|Object} animation
Optional. Whether to apply animation, and optionally animation configuration. Default is true.

<static> {void} render()
Renders the graph of this series and its markers. This example renders the graph of myClientSeries to the chart:
	myClientSeries.render( );

<static> {void} select(selected)
Selects this series. This example selects myClientSeries:;
{boolean} selected
Optional. Specifies whether to select or deselect the series. If undefined, toggles selection.

<static> {void} setData(data, redraw)
Replaces the series data with a new set of data. This example replaces the points in myClientSeries with three new points:
	myClientSeries.setData([[4, 2], [6, 3], [8, 2]]);
{float[ ]|Object[ ]} data
An array of data points for the series. The points can be given in three ways:
  1. A list of numerical values, which are assigned as Y values, paired with X values starting with 0 and incrementing by 1 for each additional number. For example:
    [0, 5, 3, 5]
  2. A list of arrays with two values, which are assigned as X and Y value pairs. If the first value is a string, it is applied as the name of the point, and the x value is incremented following the above rules. For example:
    [[4, 2], [6, 3], [8, 2]]
  3. A list of objects with named values, which are assigned to points using the Highchart point configuration specification options.point. For example:
    [{	name: 'Point 1',
    	color: '#00FF00',
    	y: 0
    {	name: 'Point 2',
    	color: '#FF00FF',
    	y: 5
{boolean} redraw
Optional. Specifies whether to redraw the chart. Default is true.

<static> {void} setVisible(vis, redraw)
Sets the visibility of this series. This example sets myClientSeries to visible and redraws it:
{boolean} vis
Optional. Specifies whether to display the series. True displays the series, false hides it. If no value is provided, the visibility changes to false if visibility is true, and true if visibility is false.
{boolean} redraw
Optional. Specifies whether to redraw the chart. Default is true.

<static> {void} show()
Displays the graph of this series. This example displays the graph of myClientSeries: );

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