
Class actuate.viewer.PageContent

A container for the content of a report document file. PageContent contains a comprehensive list of report elements, such as tables, charts, labels, and data items.
Member of: actuate.viewer.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
The PageContent class represents the report content generated by a report design file or document file.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Returns the chart element specified by the given bookmark.
Returns the data element specified by the given bookmark.
Returns the flash element specified by the given bookmark.
Returns the gadget element specified by the given bookmark.
Returns the label element specified by the given bookmark.
Returns the table element specified by the given bookmark.
Returns the text element specified by the given bookmark.
Returns the viewer ID.
Class Detail
The PageContent class represents the report content generated by a report design file or document file.
Method Detail
{} getChartByBookmark(bookmark)
Returns the chart element specified by the given bookmark. The following example retrieves the Chart object and changes the chart title:
	this.onclick = function(event){
		var bviewer = this.getViewer( );
		var bpagecontents = bviewer.getCurrentPageContent( );
		var bchart = bpagecontents.getChartByBookmark("ChartBookmark");
		bchart.setChartTitle("Orders By Country (Classic Cars)");
		bchart.submit( );
{String} bookmark
A bookmark to identify a chart element. When the bookmark value is not given, this function returns the first chart element found in the report content.
{} chart

{} getDataItemByBookmark(bookmark)
Returns the data element specified by the given bookmark. Use this function to access the bookmarks for specific elements in the page content. For example, to access the data item mydataitem on the page loaded in the myViewer Viewer object, use the following code:
	var element = myViewer.getCurrentPageContent( ).getDataItemByBookmark("mydataitem");}
{String} bookmark
A bookmark to identify a data element. When the bookmark value is not given, this function returns the first data element found in the report content.
{} data item

{} getFlashObjectByBookmark(bookmark)
Returns the flash element specified by the given bookmark. Use this function to access the bookmarks for specific elements in the page content. For example, to access the flash object mymovie on the page loaded in the myViewer Viewer object, use the following code:
	var element = myViewer.getCurrentPageContent( ).getFlashObjectByBookmark("mymovie");}
{String} bookmark
A bookmark to identify a flash element. When the bookmark value is not given, this function returns the first flash element found in the report content.
{} flashObject

{} getGadgetByBookmark(bookmark)
Returns the gadget element specified by the given bookmark. Use this function to access the bookmarks for specific elements in the page content. For example, to access the gadget mygadget on the page loaded in the myViewer Viewer object, use the following code:
	var element = myViewer.getCurrentPageContent( ).getGadgetByBookmark("mygadget");}
{String} bookmark
A bookmark to identify a gadget element. When the bookmark value is not given, this function returns the first gadget element found in the report content.
{} gadget

{} getLabelByBookmark(bookmark)
Returns the label element specified by the given bookmark. Use this function to access the bookmarks for specific elements in the page content. For example, to access the label mylabel on the page loaded in the myViewer Viewer object, use the following code:
	var element = myViewer.getCurrentPageContent( ).getLabelByBookmark("mylabel");}
{String} bookmark
A bookmark to identify a label element. When the bookmark value is not given, this function returns the first label element found in the report content.

{} getTableByBookmark(bookmark)
Returns the table element specified by the given bookmark. Use this function to access the bookmarks for specific elements in the page content. For example, to access the table mytable on the page loaded in the myViewer Viewer object, use the following code:
	var element = myViewer.getCurrentPageContent( ).getTableByBookmark("mytable");}
{String} bookmark
A bookmark to identify a table element. When the bookmark value is not given, this function returns the first table element found in the report content.
{} table

{} getTextByBookmark(bookmark)
Returns the text element specified by the given bookmark. Use this function to access the bookmarks for specific elements in the page content. For example, to access the text element myname on the page loaded in the myViewer Viewer object, use the following code:
	var element = myViewer.getCurrentPageContent( ).getTextByBookmark("myname");}
{String} bookmark
A bookmark to identify a text element. When the bookmark value is not given, this function returns the first text element found in the report content.
{} text item

{String} getViewerId()
Returns the viewer ID.
{String} viewer ID

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.0.1 on Tue Jan 29 2013 05:44:22 GMT-0800 (PST)