
Class actuate.viewer.RenderOptions

The RenderOptions class specifies render options when users call the download report interface on viewer.
Member of: actuate.viewer.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
The RenderOptions class specifies rendering options for the actuate.Viewer#downloadReport function.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
<static> <constant>  
This option name is for xls format download and uses a boolean value.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Returns the rendering options map.
setOption(option, value)
Specifies the render options.
Class Detail
The RenderOptions class specifies rendering options for the actuate.Viewer#downloadReport function. Currently, the only supported option is multisheet.
Field Detail
<static> <constant> {boolean} IS_MULTISHEET
This option name is for xls format download and uses a boolean value. True indicates that the xls format file has multiple worksheets.
Method Detail
{Object[]} getOptions()
Returns the rendering options map. This example displays an alert box with the options status of render options:
	alert("Rendering Options: " + options.getOptions( ));
{Object[]} Array, arranged in string and object pairs corresponding to option names and option values.

{void} setOption(option, value)
Specifies the render options. For example, to disable multisheet for the options object, use code similar to the following:
	options.setOption(actuate.viewer.RenderOptions.IS_MULTISHEET, false);
{string} option
option name, available under actuate.viewer.RenderOptions, for example: actuate.viewer.RenderOptions.IS_MULTISHEET.
{object} value
option value, depends on the type of the option, data type can be found in the option name definition. For example, the IS_MULTISHEET option is set with a boolean value.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.0.1 on Tue Jan 29 2013 05:44:22 GMT-0800 (PST)