
Class actuate.viewer.ScrollPanel

The ScrollPanel class represents a scrolling content panel.
Member of: actuate.viewer.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
A container for a scrolling content panel in a viewer, which includes the scroll panel control.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Get Mouse Scrolling Enabled.
Get Scroll Control Enabled.
Get Scroll Control Enabled.
Enables Mouse Scrolling for this Scroll Panel.
Enables panning in and out for this scroll panel.To disable panning for the sPanel object, use code similar to the following:
Enables scrolling for this scroll panel.
Class Detail
A container for a scrolling content panel in a viewer, which includes the scroll panel control. A ScrollPanel object enhances the viewer with scroll controls, such as mouse wheel scrolling.
Method Detail
{boolean} getMouseScrollingEnabled()
Get Mouse Scrolling Enabled. This example displays an alert with the mouse scrolling status of a scroll panel:
	alert("Mouse scrolling enabled: " + sPanel.getMouseScrollingEnabled( ));
{boolean} Returns true when mouse scrolling is enabled.

{boolean} getPanInOutEnabled()
Get Scroll Control Enabled. This example displays an alert with the panning in and out status of a scroll panel:
	alert("Panning enabled: " + scrollPanel.getPanInOutEnabled( ));
{boolean} Returns true when panning in and out is enabled.

{boolean} getScrollControlEnabled()
Get Scroll Control Enabled. This example displays an alert box with the scrolling status of a scroll panel:
	alert("Scrolling enabled: " + sPanel.getScrollControlEnabled( ));
{boolean} Returns true when scrolling is enabled.

{void} setMouseScrollingEnabled(enabled)
Enables Mouse Scrolling for this Scroll Panel. To disable mouse scrolling for sPanel, use code similar to the following:
{boolean} enabled
Boolean value to enbable Mouse Scrolling.

{void} setPanInOutEnabled(enabled)
Enables panning in and out for this scroll panel.To disable panning for the sPanel object, use code similar to the following:
{boolean} enabled
Boolean value to enbable Pan In & Out.

{void} setScrollControlEnabled(enabled)
Enables scrolling for this scroll panel. To disable scrolling for sPanel, use code similar to the following:
{boolean} enabled
Boolean value to enbable Scroll Control.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.0.1 on Tue Jan 29 2013 05:44:22 GMT-0800 (PST)